Elena Strempek
Happy Birthday, Markus
Dear Markus,
15 years ago I visited you in the old printshop on Nobelvägen and since then you keep impressing and inspiring me with all your sometimes more sometimes less megalomaniac but always extremely beautiful ideas and projects. You‘ve really changed my perception of what is possible and your anarchist understanding of openness and participation became very dear to my heart. I know that it can also be hard and frustrating and I admire the way you always stand up again after a low phase and keep on doing what you are doing: creating the most enchanting places and works of art. And even if you wouldn’t, you’d always be one of the most loving and creative people on the planet.
Dancing to raves in unlikely spaces, roaming through lost places, exploring Bauhaus in a thunderstorm, having Crémant o‘clock at the pool and a cheese & vine ‚orgy‘ under a fig tree in south France… thank you for all these adventures, your free spirit, your generosity and let’s just keep on doing all that for the next 40 years!
XOXO Elena
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